Friday, September 23, 2005


recently, because of the coming big exams, everyone is studying. really.
i got proof. dont dare me. muahaha.
hmm. the whole class has gone mad into mugging. this is serious matter. do you not know that too much studyin can lead to a breakdown in the mind?
well there are signs that a breakdown is coming and signs that shows a breakdown has occured.

hmmm. lets observe.

firstly. one will lie down on his desk right in the morning.hands crossed.legs shaking.

for those perverts again. ZAOGENG! eww turn off. bah

following, one will dress like this when he/she has attained the critcial breakdown state.

i pity her. sigh. even stil holdin a book.

and they will show kuku faces like that too. and beware. the break down is contagious! ahhh

and finally.. the final symptom of a breakdown which few has attained.
the lengendary.....

one legged squat hands praying move. omg. wow. *amazed*

thats it. my whole class is gonna breakdown. me too. argh.
*off to master the lengedary one legged squar hands praying move*

1 comment:

cheryl said...

nice one b`hun!