Sunday, September 25, 2005


right. for today's post, we shall feature the guys/boys in our class. this will be a saga and will be over a number of different posts and different timing. I CANT POSSIBLY BLOG 2 ENTRIES AT THE SAME TIME RIGHT?
hmm. i think i press the caps button on purpose. weird.

right. lets see what they do.
first of all, they do arm wrestling.
not as in WHWE( world hand wrestling entertainment) but yea.

i have proof that this ancient competitive sport is gay.
and why it attracts the male species.
the hidden truth is that....

this sport is sorta sex related. like making love. not convinced? read on.

our guest starring thia, gordon and kelvin tonight. this picture shows the would-be poster for the WWHE ( refer to above chunk of words)

guest starring.. THIA AND KELVIN
1. The starting
both will get tensed up on the count of 3. And they will be jockeying for posistion.
which in other words means going front and back or side to side.

2. The climax
here you can observe Thia getting high. this is obvious from the expresion of his face.

3.The end ( or is it?)
And finally it finishes. Normally one party, in this case Kelvin, is unsatisfied.
and it is obvious that kelvin is gonna ask for another round.



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