Saturday, October 08, 2005


right. many apologies for not being able to blog these days.i just upgraded my internet connection speed. so yea =)

hmm. have u guys ever heard of whats a busker?(not refering to someone busking under a sun or someone who drives a bus)...
you know.. those people that performs on the street and have hats or pails on ground for people to throw money at. yea those people. NOT THOSE PEOPLE WHO THREW THE MONEy.. but you get my drift.

recently there appears to be a lone busker in our school.
This interesting character has some unique abilities.
For example, the ability to busk without getting caught by the teachers.

in the parade square.

during morning assembly.

interesting eh? anyone wanna give a guess to see what talent he has to busk about?

alrights this is exact pictures taken in the parade square during morning assembly. no kidding.

there you have it. Mr sleep-in-regardless-what-position-or-what-place.

front profile. what great reflexes.

side profile after peeing. yes that squirt of 'water' on the ground in front.buskers have to answer call of natures too.

All in a days work. He grins at the fruits of labour.2 plastics bags of unknown substances and a bag. Hes contented.

anyway from the pictures you can count how many people were wearing ankle socks.Tag the total amount of ankle socker you counted and be rewarded with a reputation of being a bumbum whos has no life or , in a nicer tone, someone bored. =)

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