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in case you dunnno that is.
frightening aint it.
Its like feeling that the shit is gonna come out and yet you cant find a toilet.
Ya know, phenomenon ( read as fur-NOR-Me-nON ) -yes hes out- *if you dont get it, ask me. i'll ignore you.*
phenomenon happens all the time.
yep even in my school.
That faithful day, I was in my helicopter getting ready to go to school.
3mins later i reached the field already.
After taking a daily routine piss on the field (now you know why i always laugh when people fall on the field) , I came across an astonishing sight.
Behold, The Phenomenon.

Innova's very own swimming pool.

Its so big that it can fit approximately 0.23 people.
I ran and grab a random stranger to show off my findings.

'WOW!' said Random Stranger. She later identified herself as Glady. s.

Being Glady. s, her WOW has attracted people all the way from Johor Bahru as they all admire the sight while posing as models.

Some dumb idiot suggested having a paper boat race instead of swimming and it began.

Proof of Glady. s. cheated. Using her hands somemore.

'Oh no Iam gonna lose. I better put my wallet beside my head' said wasABI.
In the end both PAPER boats sunk. What you expect, they're PAPER for godness sake.

Saving private ryan. i mean. Private paper boat.
There you have it.
A Phenomenon.
I leave you a beatiful picture of DA PHENOMENON.

Bye asses.