Friday, June 30, 2006


Common tests sucks.
Common, i mean, C'mon, agree aight.
Denial is futile.

If i get 2.3 marks for my maths, i'll jump for joy.
Not Joy, but you get what iam trying to say.

well at least JC is stil better than sec sch.
JC i can only fail 6subs.

sec sch i can fail 7.

Thus you can see which is more worth it.

enough about cmon, common tests.

Lets talk about the days before The Tests.

saw a trend of around 23 blogs competiting to tidy up their table in the fastest time possible during the holidays.

yea yea. I went with the trend. You may bash me later.



main course

How the hell did i live in that kind of condition.

i shall rename my room to "Squatter"

Nice hand. 6 fingers.

aha gotcha noob.

Thus Siyang the great decided to do something about it.
Wasting 23 secs of this time, he packed up the room.
yes 23 secs.
Long isnt it.

Just like 'Magic'


Damn iam fast.

Because of using up all his mana/energy/mojo/nose,


Our hero Siyang(lvl23) has fallen. *arrugrugarag dota sucks*

Thats all.


not enough?

not satisfied?

I knew it, you wanna see that dumb guy's firm butt.

you cheeky little assholes.

oh wells.

i aint lame, maybe i am. I think therefore I am. .... wtf.
stop ogling the hairs.


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